the art of uniting human and home

Jillian Washington

Agent • Settlement Coordinator

A seasoned professional, Jillian has more than a decade of real estate experience specializing in corporate property management. While attending Howard University, Jillian honed in on her skillset by becoming a licensed real estate agent. As Settlement Coordinator for Krauss Real Brokerage, she brings a wealth of knowledge coupled with hands on experience, putting the needs of her clients first. Her diverse portfolio includes transactions, contracts, consulting, and property management to name a few.

I’d rather be… dancing

Favorite place to unplug… my home

I’m passionate about… my family

Totem animal… a tortoise

Best Habit… caring

Indulgences… handbags

Would post a billboard saying… live your best life and leave other to theirs

Favorite gadget… hair curling wand

If I could wave a magic wand and change the world I would… end homelessness and hunger

Vision for living… total peace

Favorite book/movie… Of Mice and Men (book) Mahogany (movie)

In Town
54 Ojibway Road
Randallstown, MD 21133
3 Beds
2 Baths
1832 Sq Ft
Krauss Real Property Brokerage
Western Run / Hunt Valley
515 Ensemble Court
Hunt Valley, MD 21030
2 Beds
2 Baths
1769 Sq Ft
Krauss Real Property Brokerage
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